2022 Fasching in the Parking Lot

2022 Fasching in the Parking Lot

Fasching in the Parking Lot

Saturday, 2/26/22 between 11 am and 12 pm at FUMC Bellevue

Join us Saturday, 2/26/22 for a Fasching Celebration on FUMC’s parking lot (1934 108th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98004). There will be music and Krapfen (traditional German Mardi Grass donut style pastry) for everyone.
Students should come in costume, and we encourage parents to do the same. You could even decorate your car and hand out candy!
Please wear face masks and keep your distance from all non-household members when you stop by.
We look forward to seeing our students and families! Helau!

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